The Importance of Banning Energy Drinks, Side Effects of using Energy Drink
Energy Drink is a kind of drink having stimulant compounds usually Caffeine in it which is particularly used to increase the activity of the brain and body of a person.
There are many energy drinks available now in today’s world, all having the same number of compounds but, in different proportions. Red Bull continues to dominate as the Energy Drink Leader, with the Monster being the second most popular drink around the world. Hi- Tiger, Rockstar, and Bang Energy are some other Brands. They all have similar kinds of ingredients in them including Sugar, Alcohol, some Herbal Extract, Taurine, Caffeine, and Amino Acids.
Energy drinks are advertised to enhance the Sports-Man Spirit of a person. Their targeted audience is basically Youth. And the Brand steals their attention in a way that today’s young generation needs a specific amount of energy to meet their daily tasks without losing their Internal spirit. So, in case if they are near to give up, those brands have created the core concepts in adults’ minds that they will help them to provide with energy the young needs for the rest of his day.
Energy drinks provide short-term advantages and have long-term effects on the body, which is another side of the story. It causes the brain to boost up for just a few hours and then the whole body suffers later because those Energy Drinks contain an excess amount of each product which a normal body requires per day. One 500ml of MONSTER contains 55g of sugar which exceeds the normal amount per day Requirement that is 19g to children of 7–10 years and 30g to adults. So, ultimately they are disturbing the whole body. The Red Bull which stated that IT GIVES YOU THE WINGS is silently killing your Body and mind.
Diabetes, Dental Erosion, Arrhythmias, Heart attack, and pupil Dilation are some of the major side effects of energy drinks. The cause of aggressiveness in Youth because of the consumption of caffeine-based products is a huge problem. Loss of self-consciousness, lack of sense, Seizures, and panic attacks are some others.
So here are some reasons why Energy Drinks must be banned.
Dental Erosion In Children and Adults
Energy drinks are Highly Acidic and Corrosive in nature. They bathe the enamel of Teeth because of the highly acidic consistency in them. Bacteria then rush inside the tooth and can cause tooth decay.
According to the research, it only takes 5 days for the enamel to start eroding after energy drink consumption. Enamel disturbance causes sensitiveness’ and causes pain and discomfort in teeth.
Tooth becomes inflamed and bleeding in the gums can also occur. The more the consumption of Energy Drink the more teeth become susceptible to decay and cavities. And the Enamel cannot be regrown once it is gone damage.
High Caffeine Intake
In 2014, a Survey was conducted in which 5000 sample sizes of children were taken to test the consumption of Energy Drinks. In the results, it was noticed that more than half of the children agreed that they use two to four energy drinks per week, which reduces their sleep from those who don’t use or consume less in quantity.
Energy drinks have 56% more calories than regular soft drinks which makes children more obese and lazy.
Impact On School/College Life
A research study on a school was held in which teachers give their point of view about the consumption of Energy Drinks in school children. They stated, That children who consume Energy Drinks have their pupils too higher and always have some mental confusion. They don’t understand things really easily and are out of sense most of the time.
Children and youth are always the future of the country. So, energy drinks must probably be banned on school and college-going children, because it is the age of perceiving and understanding things and it must not be ruin in any case.
The Strong Outcome Of Desires
Alcohol and Caffeine are two main products that help the brain to relax. It causes the brain to stop differentiate between right and wrong.
Thus it increases unwanted sexual desires, desires to commit suicide, and many other crimes.
Increased Death Rate
In the UK, from 2007 to 2011, the visits of such cases to the emergency department doubled, and hence death increases in its ratio to those who consume it highly. Disturbs heart rhythm, Swelling of the whole body, Diabetes mellitus are some major disease which takes place in results of consuming energy drinks.
I think that Government should ban Energy Drinks to increase productivity and to protect the country by saving the life of its people because energy drinks are a fatal source of drink getting to its hype today.
God protect us all.
Take Care,